Monday, November 27, 2006

digital Photo Of The Week - 06.11.27

digital Photo Of The Week - 06.11.20

"dPOTW, we missed you," said all of its fans in one longing moan

So, i am not going to try to make excuses, i missed a week. Last week, some of you know that i was in Avalon California (which is on the island of Catalina, about 26 miles off the coast of Los Angles) and was unable to post the picture.

I am making up for it today by posting two! Sorry to keep you all in suspense!


Monday, October 09, 2006

worthy an entire post? Probably not

So lately since i have been blogging and what not i have been forced to get back to the days when i knew a little bit of HTML coding. So this is a rather basic piece of code, but it is something i keep forgetting.

When you want to open a link in a new window (this is a huge pet peeve of mine) this is how the code should look

target="_blank"> HOK!</A>

So maybe this post was mostly for me, but i think it is useful! Enjoy!

This is all thanks to this wonderful website

digital Photo Of The Week - 06.10.09

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


You may be asking yourself, what is the dPOTW (or digital Photo of the Week)? Or the Photo of the Week no less, Well, sit back and i will spin you a yarn . . .

In September of 2003 i decided to spruce up my desk at HOK (my previous employer, I thought it would be a great way for me to show off one of my hobbies, photography. So my concept for the Photo of the Week was that i would place a new 35mm photo every week in this frame on my desk that i had taken. Surprisingly enough, it was something that stuck, and even gained some critical acclaim.

Every week i would make sure i had a new photo to place in the frame. 157 photographs later, i found it was time to move on, to graduate school, and away from my desk at HOK. So my problem was, how do i continue the tradition without a desk or a picture frame? Well, blogger of course.

So now, every week, right here on my blog, i will post my digital Photo of the Week. A new one every week, all digital, all mine. So that is your warning! BE WARNED!! And stop back by and see them!